PMI News
- CHUNG-ANG UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, Creating Great Leaders in Key Positions2024.08.06
- 2024.02, PMI Group sets goals for F company2024.03.07
- [Open Seminar/Recruiting] How to Boost Employee Engagement2023.08.09
- What kind of leader can bring vitality to the organization and bring out the immersion of the members?2023.03.17
- Invitation Seminar, Is there a 'right' way of setting goals and managing the performance of your business?2023.02.17

PMI Columns
- Performance evaluations can never be objective_pt.22024.08.23
- [Special Report] Differences in management performance determined by the level of ‘Employee Engagement’2024.05.31
- [Special Report] A clue to improving organizational performance, find it in ‘Employee Engagement’2023.11.30
- Performance evaluations can never be objective_pt.12023.03.31
- What should we aim for?2022.06.30