It is a series of three human resource strategy books to implement performance awareness and competence in the organization, and to establish a high-performing climate.
PMI Group HR Strategy series 1
Performance Management System Design Guide
Inside the book
Amidst a prevailing acceptance of "long-term low
economic growth as a 'new normal'", firms must say adieu to externally
favorable factors like "good times"; easy growth is no longer
possible. Capital-intensive operations of yore churned out good products that
led to a firm's high performance, however, todays' business environment is not
like that; 21C firms have to rely on corporate climate and on hardware factors
for their success. A structure & chemistry of corporate's sustainable
growth are the main gists of business administration; "corporate
climate" for humane & performance-orientation is the top requirement
in securing managerial innovation. Firms have been run likewise, however, not
many ones overlooked these precepts; performance management has been treated
far from its original intentions. Moreover, corporate climate has had no
relationship with actual running of the firm and sometimes played a decisive
role of deterioration. For the sake of performance management, a firm could achieve
its aim only when micro-level designs & operations should be oriented on
macro-level to high performance climate. This book is a guide for job-oriented
organization design in tune with business environment; design & operation
of improved objectivity, fairness, accommodation as for performance evaluation;
sustainable high performance and relevant innovation & taking roots.
Issues inside the book
Many firms do the best in coming up with a good strategy, but to no
avail. Why their strategies do not turn into hoped-for performance? It's
because they lack an executional outfit, that is, they have no job-oriented
organizational readiness.
Then, what is job-oriented outfit that improves executional capability?
And how to design it?
Workers are always not contented with their performance evaluation. A
corollary is that high performers receive good marks, while low one’s low
marks. However, dissatisfaction prevails in low performers' mind which finds
fault in circumstances, who to blame, what other external causes.
Is there any way for low performers or laggards to accept willingly
each one's evaluation sheets that guarantee a very objective merit-rating
Scant thoughts are given to whether organizational objectives are
closely linked to performances and to how HR nurturing is being related to
organizational aims. Each area seems to be working very well, however, there
are only individual rushes in performances, objectives, merit-ratings, HR
nurturing... so that a hoped-for output is being aborted.
Is it possible for performance management to be meaningful in that
individual performances can be aggregated & sublimated to individual
improvement & organizational growth?
Meanwhile, various forms of performance management have been introduced
in the past; BSC & KPI are todays' performance management measures. However,
KPI is not representative, especially because it fails to deal with
"quality" of performance. Performance management is somehow being
left out, not being implemented internally.
How can we embed it?
This book deals with assorted problems stated as above, and it enables
the reader to find a way how to make a high-performance corporate climate.
Biblio information
Book title: Performance Management System Design Guide
Area: BA, Structural Innovation, Performance Management, Corporate Climate
Published by: PMI Group Press
Author: Shin Hyun-Kwan
Price: 19,000 won
Issued on: Oct 15, 2014
About the Author
He is a professional in the area of business administration & HR with a doctoral degree in BA. With more than 25 years' experience in domestic & abroad consultings & successful examples, Ph.D. Shin concentrates on how to structure corporate strategies & to make corporate climate for sustainable growth. His career started from JEMCO's consultant in Japan thru Korea Management Association consultant, CEO of EMC Partners, Vice-President of HayGroup, Business Planning VP of BarTech and EWoo Technology. He now represents PMI Group, with a dynamic activity in the capacity of a consultant in various fields such as management strategy, HR unit, business marketing, management accounting